Over 400 COSMOS-related papers have been published in scientific journals. Many were published in the COSMOS Special Issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, in September, 2007. Click on "Refereed Papers" to see a subset of publications.
A Comparative Study of Density Field Estimation for Galaxies: New Insights into the Evolution of Galaxies with Environment in COSMOS out to z ~ 3
Darvish, Behnam, Mobasher, Bahram, Sobral, David, et al, 2015, ApJ, 805, 121 -
The Impossibly Early Galaxy Problem
Steinhardt, Charles. L., Capak, Peter, Masters, Dan, et al, 2016, ApJ, 824, 21 -
Evolution of the Quasar Luminosity Function over 3 < z < 5 in the COSMOS Survey Field
Masters, D., Capak, P., Salvato, M., et al, 2012, ApJ, 755, 169 -
The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey: HerMES
Oliver, S. J., Bock, J., Blain, A., et al, 2012, MNRAS, 424, 1614 -
A new method to separate star-forming from AGN galaxies at intermediate redshift : the submillijansky radio population in the VLA-COSMOS survey
Smolčić, V., Schinnerer, E., Scodeggio, M., et al, 2008, 177, 14 -
The optical spectra of 24 μm galaxies in the COSMOS field. I. Spitzer MIPS bright sources in the zCOSMOS-bright 10k catalog
Caputi, K. I., Lilly, S. J., Aussel, H., et al, 2008, ApJ, 680, 939 -
The evolution of star formation activity in galaxy groups
Erfanianfar, G., Fadda, D., 2014, MNRAS, 445, 2725 -
The Zurich Extragalactic Bayesian Redshift Analyzer and its first application: COSMOS
Feldmann, R., Carollo, C. M., Porciani, C., et al, 2006, MNRAS, 372, 565 -
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.6. I. Hα-based Star Formation Rates and Dust Extinction
Kashino, D., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2013, ApJL, 777, L8 -
The 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF12): Observational Overview
Koekemoer, Anton M., Ellis, Richard S., McLure, Ross J., et al, 2013, 209, 3 -
The lack of star formation gradients in galaxy groups up to z ∼ 1.6
Ziparo, F., Popesso, P., Biviano, A., et al, 2013, MNRAS, 434, 3089 -
The role of galaxy interaction in the SFR-M_* relation: characterizing morphological properties of Herschel-selected galaxies at 0.2 <z <1.5
Hung, Chao-Ling, Sanders, D. B., Casey, C. M., et al, 2013, ApJ, 778, 129 -
Multi-wavelength SEDs of Herschel-selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field
Lee, Nicholas, Sanders, D. B., Casey, Caitlin M., et al, 2013, ApJ, 778, 131 -
Automated Selection and Characterization of Emission-Line Sources in Advanced Camera for Surveys Wide Field Camera Grism Data
Meurer, Gerhardt R., Tsvetanov, Z. I., Gronwall, C., et al, 2007, 134, 77 -
zCOSMOS: A large VLT/VIMOS redshift survey covering 0 < z < 3 in the COSMOS field
Lilly, S. J., Capak, P., Scoville, N., et al, 2007, 172, 70 -
Weak Gravitational Lensing with COSMOS: Galaxy Selection and Shape Measurements
Leauthaud, Alexie, Massey, Richard, Kneib, Jean-Paul, et al, 2007, 172, 219 -
The [O II] λ3727 Luminosity Function and Star Formation Rate at z ≈ 1.2 in the COSMOS 2 Square Degree Field and the Subaru Deep Field
Takahashi, M. I., Shioya, Y., Taniguchi, Y., et al, 2007, 172, 456 -
The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field: Statistical Properties of Clusters of Galaxies
Finoguenov, A., Guzzo, L., Hasinger, G., et al, 2007, 172, 182 -
The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. IV. X-Ray Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei
Mainieri, V., Hasinger, G., Cappelluti, N., et al, 2007, 172, 368 -
The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. III. Optical Identification and Multiwavelength Properties of a Large Sample of X-Ray-Selected Sources
Brusa, M., Zamorani, G., Comastri, A., et al, 2007, 172, 353 -
The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. I. Survey Description
Hasinger, G., Cappeluti, N., Brunner, H., et al, 2007, 172, 29 -
The VLA-COSMOS Survey. II. Source Catalog of the Large Project
Schinnerer, E., Smolčić, V., Carilli, C. L., et al, 2007, 172, 46 -
The Stability of the Point-Spread Function of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope and Implications for Weak Gravitational Lensing
Rhodes, Jason D., Massey, Richard J., Albert, Justin, et al, 2007, 172, 203 -
The First Release COSMOS Optical and Near-IR Data and Catalog
Capak, P., Aussel, H., Ajiki, M., et al, 2007, 172, 99 -
The Evolution of the Number Density of Large Disk Galaxies in COSMOS
Sargent, M. T., Carollo, C. M., Lilly, S. J., et al, 2007, 172, 434 -
The Effects of Environment on Morphological Evolution at 0 < z < 1.2 in the COSMOS Survey
Capak, Peter, Abraham, Roberto G., Ellis, Richard S., et al, 2007, 172, 284 -
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): The Morphological Content and Environmental Dependence of the Galaxy Color-Magnitude Relation at z ~ 0.7
Cassata, P., Guzzo, L., Franceschini, A., et al, 2007, 172, 270 -
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Subaru Observations of the HST Cosmos Field
Taniguchi, Y., Scoville, N., Murayama, T., et al, 2007, 172, 9 -
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Overview
Scoville, N., Aussel, H., Brusa, M., et al, 2007, 172, 1 -
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): A Large-Scale Structure at z = 0.73 and the Relation of Galaxy Morphologies to Local Environment
Guzzo, L., Cassata, P., Finoguenov, A., et al, 2007, 172, 254 -
The COSMOS Survey: Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys Observations and Data Processing
Koekemoer, A. M., Aussel, H., Calzetti, D., et al, 2007, 172, 196 -
The Angular Correlations of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field
McCracken, H. J., Peacock, J. A., Guzzo, L., et al, 2007, 172, 314 -
S-COSMOS: The Spitzer Legacy Survey of the Hubble Space Telescope ACS 2 deg^2 COSMOS Field I: Survey Strategy and First Analysis
Sanders, D. B., Salvato, M., Aussel, H., et al, 2007, 172, 86 -
Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in COSMOS
Mobasher, B., Capak, P., Scoville, N. Z., et al, 2007, 172, 117 -
Magellan Spectroscopy of AGN Candidates in the COSMOS Field
Trump, Jonathan R., Impey, Chris D., McCarthy, Patrick J., et al, 2007, 172, 383 -
Large Structures and Galaxy Evolution in COSMOS at z < 1.1
Scoville, N., Aussel, H., Benson, A., et al, 2007, 172, 150 -
Deep GALEX Imaging of the COSMOS HST Field: A First Look at the Morphology of z ~ 0.7 Star-forming Galaxies
Zamojski, M. A., Schiminovich, D., Rich, R. M., et al, 2007, 172, 468 -
COSMOS: Three-dimensional Weak Lensing and the Growth of Structure
Massey, Richard, Rhodes, Jason, Leauthaud, Alexie, et al, 2007, 172, 239 -
The Role of Galaxy Interaction in Environmental Dependence of the Star Formation Activity at z ≃ 1.2
Ideue, Y., Taniguchi, Y., Nagao, T., et al, 2012, ApJ, 747, 42 -
COSMOS Morphological Classification with the Zurich Estimator of Structural Types (ZEST) and the Evolution Since z = 1 of the Luminosity Function of Early, Disk, and Irregular Galaxies
Scarlata, C., Carollo, C. M., Lilly, S., et al, 2007, 172, 406 -
COSBO: The MAMBO 1.2 Millimeter Imaging Survey of the COSMOS Field
Bertoldi, F., Carilli, C. L., Aravena, M., et al, 2007, 172, 132 -
A Wide-Angle Tail Radio Galaxy in the COSMOS Field: Evidence for Cluster Formation
Smolčić, V., Schinnerer, E., Finoguenov, A., et al, 2007, 172, 295 -
HerMES: The Far-infrared Emission from Dust-obscured Galaxies
Calanog, J. A., Wardlow, J., Fu, Hai, et al, 2013, ApJ, 775, 61 -
IRAC Deep Survey of COSMOS
Scoville, Nick, Capak, Peter, Giavalisco, Mauro, et al -
Evolution of the Stellar-to-dark Matter Relation: Separating Star-forming and Passive Galaxies from z = 1 to 0
Tinker, Jeremy L., Leauthaud, Alexie, Bundy, Kevin, et al, 2013, ApJ, 778, 93 -
HR-COSMOS: Kinematics of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 0.9
Pelliccia, D., Tresse, L., Epinat, B., et al, 2017, 599, A25 -
What Lurks in ULIRGs?—Probing the Chemistry and Excitation of Molecular Gas in the Nuclei of Arp 220 and NGC 6240
Manohar, Swarnima, Scoville, Nick, 2017, ApJ, 835, 127 -
The faint-end slopes of galaxy luminosity functions in the COSMOS field
Liu, Charles T., Capak, Peter, Mobasher, Bahram, et al, 2008, ApJ, 672, 198 -
Chandra Observations of the cl1604 Supercluster at z = 0.9: Evidence for an Overdensity of Active Galactic Nuclei
Kocevski, Dale D., Lubin, Lori M., Gal, Roy, et al, 2008, ApJ, 690, 295 -
Evolution of the bar fraction in COSMOS: quantifying the assembly of the Hubble sequence
Sheth, Kartik, Elmegreen, Debra Meloy, Elmegreen, Bruce G., et al, 2008, ApJ, 671, 1141 -
Triggered or self-regulated star formation within intermediate redshift luminous infrared galaxies. I. Morphologies and spectral energy distributions
Melbourne, J., Ammons, M., Wright, S. A., et al, 2008, 135, 1207 -
Spectroscopic surveys of cosmic evolution
Scoville, Nick -
AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field – I. data reduction and source catalogue
Scott, K. S., Austermann, J. E., Perera, T. A., et al, 2008, MNRAS, 385, 2225 -
First catalog of strong lens candidates in the COSMOS field
Faure, Cecile, Kneib, Jean-Paul, Covone, Giovanni, et al, 2008, 176, 19 -
Precision photometric redshift calibration for galaxy–galaxy weak lensing
Mandelbaum, R., Seljak, U., Hirata, C. M., et al, 2008, MNRAS, 386, 781 -
The ISM and Stellar Distributions Near Sgr A*
Scoville, Nick, Stolovy, Susan R., Christopher, Micol -
CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS COSMOS Survey Field
Nayyeri, H., Hemmati, S., Darvish, B., 2017, 228, 7 -
Simple hydrodynamical Simulations of the Circumnuclear Disk
Coker, Robert F., Christopher, Michol H., Stolovy, Susan R., et al, 2003, Astron. Nachr., 324, 629 -
Spectroscopic confirmation of an extreme starburst at redshift 4.547
Capak, Peter, Carilli, C. L., Lee, N., et al, 2008, ApJL, 681, L53 -
The ESO-Spitzer Imaging extragalactic Survey (ESIS)
II. VIMOS I, z wide field imaging of ELAIS-S1 and selection of distant massive galaxies
Berta, S., Rubele, S., Franceschini, A., et al, 2008, 488, 533 -
A comparison of weak-lensing measurements from ground- and space-based facilities
Kasliwal, Mansi M., Massey, Richard, Ellis, Richard S., et al, 2008, ApJ, 684, 34 -
High-resolution Observations of Molecular Lines in Arp 220: Kinematics, Morphology, and Limits on the Applicability of the Ammonia Thermometer
Zschaechner, Laura K., Ott, Jürgen, Walter, Fabian, et al, 2016, ApJ, 833, 41 -
A Tight Relation between N/O Ratio and Galaxy Stellar Mass Can Explain the Evolution of Strong Emission Line Ratios with Redshift
Masters, Daniel, Faisst, Andreas, Capak, Peter, 2016, ApJ, 828, 18 -
Star Formation Rates in Lyman Break Galaxies: Radio Stacking of LBGs in the COSMOS Field and the Sub-μJy Radio Source Population
Carilli, C. L., Lee, Nicholas, Capak, P., et al, 2008, ApJ, 689, 883 -
Large scale structure around a z = 2.1 cluster
Hung, Chao-Ling, Casey, Caitlin M., Chiang, Yi-Kuan, et al, 2016, ApJ, 826, 130 -
The Effects of the Local Environment and Stellar Mass on Galaxy Quenching to z ~ 3
Darvish, Behnam, Mobasher, Bahram, Sobral, David, et al, 2016, ApJ, 825 -
Newly Quenched Galaxies as the Cause for the Apparent Evolution in Average Size of the Population
Carollo, C. M., Bschorr, T. J., Renzini, A., et al, 2013, ApJ, 773, 112 -
The zCOSMOS redshift survey: the three-dimensional classification cube and bimodality in galaxy physical properties
Mignoli, M., Zamorani, G., Scodeggio, M., et al, 2009, 493, 39 -
The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN in the XMM-COSMOS field
Gilli, R., Zamorani, G., Miyaji, T., et al, 2009, 494, 33 -
The Dust-Unbiased Cosmic Star-Formation History from the 20 CM VLA-COSMOS Survey
Smolčić, V., Schinnerer, E., Zamorani, G., et al, 2009, ApJ, 690, 610 -
Relation between stellar mass and star-formation activity in galaxies
Mobasher, Bahram, Dahlen, Tomas, Hopkins, Andrew, et al, 2009, ApJ, 690, 1074 -
Photometric Redshift and Classification for the XMM-COSMOS Sources
Salvato, M., Hasinger, G., Ilbert, O., et al, 2009, ApJ, 690, 1250 -
Cosmos Photometric Redshifts with 30-Bands for 2-deg^2
Ilbert, O., Capak, P., Salvato, M., et al, 2009, ApJ, 690, 1236 -
The COSMOS2015 Catalog: Exploring the 1 < z < 6 Universe with Half a Million Galaxies
Laigle, C., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2016, 224, 24 -
Active galactic nucleus host galaxy morphologies in COSMOS
Gabor, J. M., Impey, C. D., Jahnke, K., et al, 2009, ApJ, 691, 705 -
Rest-UV Absorption Lines as Metallicity Estimator: the Metal Content of Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 5
Faisst, A. L., Capak, P. L., Davidzon, I., et al, 2016, ApJ, 822, 29 -
The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: A First Sensitive Look at the High-energy Cosmic X-Ray Background Population
Alexander, D. M., Grefenstette, B. W., Harrison, F. A., et al, 2013, ApJ, 773, 125 -
Unveiling a population of galaxies harboring low-mass black holes with X-rays
Schram, M., Silverman, J. D., Greene, J. E., et al, 2013, ApJ, 773, 150 -
Reversal or no reversal: the evolution of the star formation rate–density relation up to z ∼ 1.6
Ziparo, F., Fadda, D., 2014, MNRAS, 437, 458 -
Revealing the Heavily Obscured Active Galactic Nucleus Population of High-redshift 3CRR Sources with Chandra X-Ray Observations
Wilkes, Belinda J., Kuraszkiewicz, Joanna, Haas, Martin, et al, 2013, ApJ, 773, 15 -
A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broadband Photometry: Specific Star Formation Rates and [O III]/Hβ Ratio at 3 < z < 6
Faisst, A. L., Capak, P., Hsieh, B. C., et al, 2016, ApJ, 821, 122 -
A statistical relation between the X-ray spectral index and Eddington ratio of active galactic nuclei in deep surveys
Brightman, M., Capak, P., 2013, MNRAS, 433, 2485 -
Mass assembly in quiescent and star-forming galaxies since z ≃ 4 from UltraVISTA
Ilbert, O., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2013, 556, A55 -
A Comparative Analysis of Virial Black Hole Mass Estimates of Moderate-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Using Subaru/FMOS
Matsuoka, K., Capak, P., 2013, ApJ, 771, 64 -
A Pilot for a Very Large Array H I Deep Field
Fernández, Ximena, Van Gorkom, J. H., Hess, Kelley M., et al, 2013, ApJL, 770, L29 -
The Herschel census of infrared SEDs through cosmic time
Symeonidis, M., Bock, J., Capak, P. L., et al, 2013, MNRAS, 431, 2317 -
Far-infrared Properties of Type 1 Quasars
Hanish, D. J., Teplitz, H. I., Capak, P., et al, 2013, ApJ, 768, 13 -
The Spitzer-IRAC/MIPS Extragalactic survey (SIMES) in the South Ecliptic Pole field
Baronchelli, I., Capak, P. L., Mei, S., et al, 2016, 223, 1 -
Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environments at z = 0.1-3 in COSMOS
Scoville, N., Benson, A., Fu, Hai, et al, 2013, 206, 3 -
HerMES: dust attenuation and star formation activity in ultraviolet-selected samples from z ∼ 4 to ∼ 1.5
Heinis, S., Buat, V., Béthermin, M., et al, 2014, MNRAS, 437, 1268 -
Inferring the mass of submillimetre galaxies by exploiting
their gravitational magnification of background galaxies
Hildebrandt, H., Bock, J., Cooray, A., et al, 2013, MNRAS, 429, 3230 -
Panchromatic spectral energy distributions of Herschel sources
Berta, S., Viero, M., 2013, 551, A100 -
A large Hα survey at z = 2.23, 1.47, 0.84 and 0.40: the 11 Gyr evolution of star-forming galaxies from HiZELS
Sobral, David, Smail, Ian, Best, Philip N., et al, 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1128 -
Submillimeter Galaxies as Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies
Toft, S., Smolčić, V., Magnelli, B., et al, 2014, ApJ, 782, 68 -
Spectral energy distributions of type 1 AGN in XMM-COSMOS – II. Shape evolution
Hao, Heng, Elvis, Martin, Civano, Francesca, et al, 2014, MNRAS, 438, 1288 -
The Evolution of Interstellar Medium Mass Probed by Dust Emission: ALMA Observations at z = 0.3-2
Scoville, N., Aussel, H., Sheth, K., et al, 2014, ApJ, 783, 84 -
Weighing the Giants – II. Improved calibration of photometry from stellar colours and accurate photometric redshifts
Kelly, Patrick L., von der Linden, Anja, Applegate, Douglas E., et al, 2014, MNRAS, 439, 28 -
A Redshift Survey of Herschel Far-infrared Selected Starbursts and Implications for Obscured Star Formation
Casey, C. M., Bock, J., Bridge, C., et al, 2012, ApJ, 761, 140 -
Lyα Emission from High-redshift Sources in COSMOS
Mallery, Ryan P., Mobasher, Bahram, Capak, Peter, et al, 2012, ApJ, 760, 128 -
The Third Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing (GREAT3) Challenge Handbook
Mandelbaum, Rachel, Rhodes, Jason, 2014, 212, 5 -
NuSTAR J033202-2746.8: Direct Constraints on the Compton Reflection in a Heavily Obscured Quasar at z ≈ 2
Del Moro, A., Baloković, M., Harrison, F. A., 2014, ApJ, 786, 16 -
Disclosing the Radio Loudness Distribution Dichotomy in Quasars: An Unbiased Monte Carlo Approach Applied to the SDSS-FIRST Quasar Sample
Baloković, M., Smolčić, V., Ivezić, Ž., et al, 2012, ApJ, 759, 30 -
The composite nature of Dust-Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) at z ∼ 2–3 in the COSMOS field – I. A far-infrared view
Riguccini, L., Le Floc'h, E., Mullaney, J. R., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 452, 470 -
SDSS 0956+5128: A Broad-line Quasar with Extreme Velocity Offsets
Steinhardt, Charles L., Schramm, Malte, Silverman, John D., et al, 2012, ApJ, 759, 24 -
Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample
Elvis, M., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2012, ApJ, 759, 6 -
Deep observations of CO line emission from star-forming galaxies in a cluster candidate at z = 1.5
Aravena, M., Carilli, C. L., Salvato, M., et al, 2012, MNRAS, 426, 258 -
Optical-to-virial velocity ratios of local disc galaxies from combined kinematics and galaxy–galaxy lensing
Reyes, R., Mandelbaum, R., Gunn, J. E., et al, 2012, MNRAS, 425, 2610 -
Near-infrared Survey of the GOODS-North Field: Search for Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z ≳ 6.5
Hathi, Nimish P., Mobasher, Bahram, Capak, Peter, et al, 2012, ApJ, 757, 43 -
Constraints on the Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function at z ~ 5 in the COSMOS Field
Ikeda, H., Nagao, T., Matsuoka, K., et al, 2012, ApJ, 756, 160 -
COSMOS2020: UV-selected galaxies at z ≥ 7.5
Kauffmann, O. B., Ilbert, O., Weaver, J. R., et al, 2022, 667, A65 -
Discovery of Massive, Mostly Star Formation Quenched Galaxies with Extremely Large Lyα Equivalent Widths at z ~ 3
Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, Kajisawa, Masaru, Kobayashi, Masakazu A. R., et al, 2015, ApJL, 809, L7 -
Identifying and Repairing Catastrophic Errors in Galaxy Properties Using Dimensionality Reduction
Hovis-Afflerbach, Beryl, Steinhardt, Charles L., Masters, Daniel, et al, 2021, ApJ, 908, 148 -
Deep Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Passively Evolving Galaxies at z ≳ 1.4
Onodera, M., Renzini, A., Carollo, M., et al, 2012, ApJ, 755, 26 -
The Correlated Formation Histories of Massive Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos
Tinker, Jeremy L., George, Matthew R., Leauthaud, Alexie, et al, 2012, ApJL, 755, L5 -
Evolution of the Fraction of Clumpy Galaxies at 0.2 < z < 1.0 in the COSMOS Field
Murata, K. L., Kajisawa, M., Taniguchi, Y., et al, 2014, ApJ, 786, 15 -
The Chandra COSMOS Survey. III. Optical and Infrared Identification of X-Ray Point Sources
Civano, F., Capak, P., Scoville, N. Z., 2012, 201, 30 -
What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lyα Emission? II. Gas Kinematics and Distribution of Lyα Emitters
Shibuya, Takatoshi, Ouchi, Masami, Nakajima, Kimihiko, et al, 2014, ApJ, 788, 74 -
HerMES: A Statistical Measurement of the Redshift Distribution of Herschel-SPIRE Sources Using the Cross-correlation Technique
Mitchell-Wynne, K., Cooray, A., Gong, Y., et al, 2012, ApJ, 753, 23 -
COSMOS: Stochastic Bias from Measurements of Weak Lensing and Galaxy Clustering
Jullo, Eric, Rhodes, Jason, Kiessling, Alina, et al, 2012, ApJ, 750, 37 -
Evolution of the specific star formation rate function at z < 1.4 Dissecting the mass-SFR plane in COSMOS and GOODS
Ilbert, O., Arnouts, S., Le Floc'h, E., et al, 2015, 579, A2 -
Quest for COSMOS Submillimeter Galaxy Counterparts using CARMA and VLA: Identifying Three High-redshift Starburst Galaxies
Smolčić, V., Navarrete, F., Aravena, M., et al, 2012, 200 -
Bridging between the integrated and resolved main sequence of star formation
Hemmati, Shoubaneh, Mobasher, Bahram, Nayyeri, Hooshang, et al, 2020, ApJL, 896, L17 -
The Advanced Camera for Surveys General Catalog: Structural Parameters for Approximately Half a Million Galaxies
Griffith, Roger L., Cooper, Michael C., Newman, Jeffrey A., et al, 2012, 200 -
Identifying Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei in Deep Surveys: Revised IRAC Selection Criteria
Donley, J. L., Koekemoer, A. M., Brusa, M., et al, 2012, ApJ, 748, 142 -
First simultaneous optical/near-infrared imaging of an X-ray selected, high-redshift cluster of galaxies with GROND:
The galaxy population of XMMU J0338.7 + 0030 at z = 1.1
Pierini, D., Salvato, M., 2012, 540 -
Measuring the Geometry of the Universe from Weak Gravitational Lensing behind Galaxy Groups in the HST COSMOS Survey
Taylor, James E., Massey, Richard J., Leauthaud, Alexie, et al, 2012, ApJ, 749, 127 -
A Study of the Dark Core in A520 with the Hubble Space Telescope: The Mystery Deepens
Jee, M. J., Mahdavi, A., Hoekstra, H., et al, 2012, ApJ, 747 -
Major-merger Galaxy Pairs in the COSMOS Field — Mass-dependent Merger Rate Evolution since z = 1
Xu, C. Kevin, Zhao, Yinghe, Scoville, N., et al, 2012, ApJ, 747, 85 -
The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: Galaxy Evolution at 0.25 ≤ z ≤ 0.75 Using the Second Red-Sequence Cluster Survey
Li, I. H., Forster, Karl, Martin, D. Christopher, et al, 2012, ApJ, 747 -
Weak Lensing Calibrated M-T Scaling Relation of Galaxy Groups in the COSMOS Field
Kettula, K., Finoguenov, A., Massey, R., et al, 2013, ApJ, 778, 74 -
The VLA-COSMOS Survey. IV. Deep Data and Joint Catalog
Schinnerer, E., Sargent, M. T., Bondi, M., et al, 2010, 188, 384 -
The XMM-Newton Wide-field Survey in the Cosmos Field (XMM-COSMOS): Demography and Multiwavelength Properties of Obscured and Unobscured Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei
Brusa, M., Salvato, M., Capak, P., et al, 2010, ApJ, 716, 348 -
A Runaway Black Hole in COSMOS: Gravitational Wave or Slingshot Recoil?
Civano, F., Salvato, M., Scoville, N., et al, 2010, ApJ, 717, 209 -
A Far-infrared Characterization of 24 μm Selected Galaxies at 0 < z < 2.5 using Stacking at 70 μm and 160 μm in the COSMOS Field
Lee, Nicholas, Le Floc'h, Emeric, Sanders, D. B., et al, 2010, ApJ, 717, 175 -
Can we use weak lensing to measure total mass profiles of galaxies on 20 kpc scales?
Kobayashi, Masato I. N., Leauthaud, Alexie, More, Surhud, et al, 2015, MNRAS, 449, 2128 -
The 2008 Extreme Outburst of the Young Eruptive Variable Star EX Lupi
Aspin, Colin, Reipurth, Bo, Herczeg, Gregory J., et al, 2010, ApJL, 719, L50 -
Identification of Two Bright z > 3 Submillimeter Galaxy Candidates in the COSMOS Field
Aravena, M., Younger, J. D., Fazio, G. G., et al, 2010, ApJL, 719, L15 -
The Rise and Fall of Passive Disk Galaxies: Morphological Evolution Along the Red Sequence Revealed by COSMOS
Bundy, Kevin, Scarlata, Claudia, Carollo, C. M., et al, 2010, ApJ, 719, 1969 -
Obscuration-dependent Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei
Buchner, Johannes, Georgakakis, Antonis, Nandra, Kirpal, et al, 2015, ApJ, 802, 89 -
A Massive Molecular Gas Reservoir in the z = 5.3 Submillimeter Galaxy AzTEC-3
Riechers, Dominik A., Capak, Peter L., Carilli, Christopher L., et al, 2010, ApJL, 720, L131 -
Ultra-deep catalog of X-ray groups in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South
Finoguenov, A., Tanaka, M., Cooper, M., et al, 2015, 576, A130 -
A Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of 70 μm Selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field. II. The Role of Mergers in Galaxy Evolution
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., Frayer, D. T., Salvato, M., et al, 2010, ApJ, 721, 98 -
Decomposing Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus with Spitzer Mid-infrared Spectra: Luminosity Functions and Co-evolution
Fu, Hai, Yan, Lin, Scoville, N. Z., et al, 2010, ApJ, 722, 653 -
A Protocluster at z = 2.45
Diener, C., Lilly, S. J., Ledoux, C., et al, 2015, ApJ, 802, 31 -
The Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Optical Spectroscopy of Faint X-ray Sources with the VLT and Keck
Silverman, J. D., Capak, P., 2010, 191, 124 -
A Turnover in the Galaxy Main Sequence of Star Formation at M_* ~ 10^(10) M_☉ for Redshifts z < 1.3
Lee, Nicholas, Sanders, D. B., Casey, Caitlin M., et al, 2015, ApJ, 801, 80 -
Bars in early- and late-type discs in COSMOS
Cameron, E., Carollo, C. M., Oesch, P., et al, 2010, MNRAS, 409, 346 -
The Spitzer Archival Far-Infrared Extragalactic Survey
Hanish, D. J., Capak, P., Teplitz, H. I., et al, 2015, 217, 17 -
zCOSMOS 10k-bright spectroscopic sample: Exploring mass and environment dependence in early-type galaxies
Moresco, M., Scarlata, C., Scoville, N., 2010, 524 -
Understanding the shape of the galaxy two-point correlation function at z ≃ 1 in the COSMOS field
de la Torre, S., Scoville, N., 2010, MNRAS, 409, 867 -
Tracking the impact of environment on the galaxy stellar mass function up to z ~ 1 in the 10 k zCOSMOS sample
Bolzonella, M., Capak, P., Salvato, M., et al, 2010, 524 -
Dust Attenuation in High Redshift Galaxies: "Diamonds in the Sky"
Scoville, Nick, Faisst, Andreas, Capak, Peter, et al, 2015, ApJ, 800, 108 -
COLDz: Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Discovery of a Gas-rich Galaxy in COSMOS
Lentati, L., Wagg, J., Carilli, C. L., et al, 2015, ApJ, 800, 67 -
Simple hydrodynamical Simulations of the Circumnuclear Disk
Coker, Robert F., Christopher, Michol H., Stolovy, Susan R., et al -
ALMA Imaging of Gas and Dust in a Galaxy Protocluster at Redshift 5.3: [C II] Emission in "Typical" Galaxies and Dusty Starbursts ≈ 1 Billion Years after the Big Bang
Riechers, Dominik A., Carilli, Christopher L., Capak, Peter L., et al, 2014, ApJ, 796, 84 -
Are Dusty Galaxies Blue? Insights on UV Attenuation from Dust-selected Galaxies
Casey, C. M., Scoville, N. Z., Sanders, D. B., et al, 2014, ApJ, 796, 95 -
Late-Stage Galaxy Mergers in Cosmos to z ~ 1
Lackner, C. N., Silverman, J. D., Salvato, M., et al, 2014, 148, 137 -
VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS): Witnessing the assembly of a massive cluster at z ~ 3.3
Lemaux, B. C., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2014, 572, A41 -
Probing the Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function at z~4 in the COSMOS Field
Ikeda, H., Nagao, T., Matsuoka, K., et al, 2011, ApJL, 728, L25 -
Cosmic Web and Star Formation Activity in Galaxies at z ~ 1
Darvish, B., Sobral, D., Mobasher, B, et al, 2014, ApJ, 796, 51 -
A coincidence of disturbed morphology and blue UV colour: minor-merger-driven star formation in early-type galaxies at z ~ 0.6
Kaviraj, Sugata, Tan, Kok-Meng, Ellis, Richard S., et al, 2011, MNRAS, 411, 2148 -
A Highly Consistent Framework for the Evolution of the Star-Forming "Main Sequence" from z~0-6
Speagle, J. S., Steinhardt, C. L., Capak, P. L., et al, 2014, 214, 15 -
Spectroscopy of Luminous z > 7 Galaxy Candidates and Sources of Contamination in z > 7 Galaxy Searches
Capak, P., Mobasher, B., Scoville, N. Z., et al, 2011, ApJ, 730, 68 -
The Redshift and Nature of AzTEC/COSMOS 1: A Starburst Galaxy at z = 4.6
Smolčić, V., Capak, P., Blain, A. W., et al, 2011, ApJL, 731, L27 -
The Hubble Space Telescope GOODS NICMOS Survey: overview
and the evolution of massive galaxies at 1.5 < z < 3
Conselice, C. J., Chary, R.-R., Siana, B., et al, 2011, MNRAS, 413, 80 -
The FMOS-Cosmos Survey of Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.6 II. The Mass-Metallicity Relation and the Dependence on Star Formation Rate and Dust Extinction
Zahid, H. J., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2014, ApJ, 792, 75 -
Inter-comparison of Radio-Loudness Criteria for Type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS Survey
Hao, Heng, Sargent, Mark T., Elvis, Martin, et al -
Deep Spitzer Observations of Infrared-faint Radio Sources: High-redshift Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei?
Norris, Ray P., Afonso, José, Cava, Antonio, et al, 2011, ApJ, 736, 55 -
AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field – III. Source catalogue over 0.72 deg^2 and plausible boosting by large-scale structure
Aretxaga, I., Wilson, G. W., Aguilar, E., et al, 2011, MNRAS, 415, 3831 -
Star and Dust Formation Activities in AzTEC-3, a Starburst Galaxy at z = 5.3
Dwek, Eli, Staguhn, Johannes G., Arendt, Richard G., et al, 2011, ApJ, 738, 36 -
The evolution of quiescent galaxies at high redshifts (z ≥ 1.4)
Domínguez-Sánchez, H., Capak, P., 2011, MNRAS, 417, 900 -
Dust-obscured star formation and the contribution of galaxies escaping UV/optical color selections at z ~ 2
Riguccini, L., Le Floc'h, E., Ilbert, O., et al, 2011, 534 -
Two fossil groups of galaxies at z ≈ 0.4 in the Cosmic Evolution Survey: accelerated stellar-mass build-up, different progenitors
Pierini, D., Giodini, S., Finoguenov, A., et al, 2011, MNRAS, 417, 2927 -
The bimodality of the 10k zCOSMOS-bright galaxies up to z ~ 1: a new statistical and portable classification based on optical galaxy properties
Coppa, G., Scarlata, C., Capak, P., et al, 2011, 535 -
Black hole accretion and host galaxies of obscured
quasars in XMM-COSMOS
Mainieri, V., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2011, 535, A80 -
The Population of High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei in the CHANDRA-Cosmos Survey
Civano, F., Brusa, M., Comastri, A., et al, 2011, ApJ, 741, 91 -
The First Hundred Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Gelino, Christopher R., Griffith, Roger L., et al, 2011, 197 -
Galaxies in X-Ray Groups. I. Robust Membership Assignment and the Impact of Group Environments on Quenching
George, Matthew R., Leauthaud, Alexie, Bundy, Kevin, et al, 2011, ApJ, 742, 125 -
Dissecting Photometric Redshift for Active Galactic Nucleus Using XMM- and Chandra-COSMOS Samples
Salvato, M., Capak, P., Kakazu, Y., et al, 2011, ApJ, 742, 61 -
The Impact of Galaxy Interactions on Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in zCosmos
Silverman, J. D., Fu, H., 2011, ApJ, 743, 2 -
The evolution of the star formation activity per halo mass up to redshift ~1.6 as seen by Herschel
Popesso, P., Capak, P., Fadda, D., 2012, 537 -
Optical Spectroscopic Survey of High-latitude WISE-selected Sources
Lake, S. E., Wright, E. L., Petty, S., et al, 2012, 143 -
The importance of the local density in shaping the galaxy stellar mass functions
Vulcani, Benedetta, Poggianti, Bianca M., Fasano, Giovanni, et al, 2012, MNRAS, 420, 1481 -
Enhancement of the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera Distortion Correction for Parallax Measurements
Lowrance, Patrick J., Carey, Sean J., Ingalls, James G., et al -
Precision simulation of ground-based lensing data using observations from space
Mandelbaum, Rachel, Hirata, Christopher M., Leauthaud, Alexie, et al, 2012, MNRAS, 420, 1518 -
Spectroscopic Observation of Lyα Emitters at z ~ 7.7 and Implications on Re-ionization
Faisst, A. L., Capak, P., Carollo, C. M., et al, 2014, ApJ, 788, 87 -
A Herschel view of the far-infrared properties of submillimetre galaxies
Magnelli, B., Capak, P., 2012, 539, A155 -
COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations
Scoville, N., Abraham, R. G., Aussel, H., et al, 2007, 172, 38 -
Radio Galaxy Feedback in X-ray-selected Groups from COSMOS: The Effect on the Intracluster Medium
Giodini, S., Smolčić, V., Finoguenov, A., et al, 2010, ApJ, 714, 218 -
The Buildup of the Hubble Sequence in the Cosmos Field
Oesch, P. A., Carollo, C. M., Feldmann, R., et al, 2010, ApJL, 714, L47 -
The Opacity of Galactic Disks at z ~ 0.7
Sargent, M. T., Carollo, C. M., Kampczyk, P., et al, 2010, ApJL, 714, L113 -
Estimating Luminosity Function Constraints from High-Redshift Galaxy Surveys
Robertson, Brant E., 2010, ApJ, 713, 1266 -
Identifying Dynamically Young Galaxy Groups Via Wide-angle Tail Galaxies: A Case Study in the COSMOS Field at z = 0.53
Oklopčić, A., Smolčić, V., Giodini, S., et al, 2010, ApJ, 713, 484 -
A Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of 70 μm Selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field. I. Spectral Energy Distributions and Luminosities
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., Sanders, D. B., Le Floc'h, E., et al, 2010, ApJ, 709, 572 -
Galaxy Stellar Mass Assembly Between 0.2 < z < 2 from the S-COSMOS Survey
Ilbert, O., Salvato, M., Le Floc'h, E., et al, 2010, ApJ, 709, 644 -
The VLA-COSMOS Perspective on the Infrared-Radio Relation. I. New Constraints on Selection Biases and the Non-Evolution of the Infrared/Radio Properties of Star-Forming and Active Galactic Nucleus Galaxies at Intermediate and High Redshift
Sargent, M. T., Schinnerer, E., Murphy, E., et al, 2010, 186, 341 -
A Weak Lensing Study of X-ray Groups in the Cosmos Survey: Form and Evolution of the Mass-Luminosity Relation
Leauthaud, Alexei, Finoguenov, Alexis, Kneib, Jean-Paul, et al, 2010, ApJ, 709, 97 -
High-redshift elliptical galaxies: are they (all) really compact?
Mancini, C., Daddi, E., Renzini, A., et al, 2010, MNRAS, 401, 933 -
Environment of MAMBO Galaxies in the COSMOS Field
Aravena, M., Bertoldi, F., Carilli, C. L., et al, 2010, ApJL, 708, L36 -
On the Cosmic Evolution of the Scaling Relations Between Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies: Broad-Line Active Galactic Nuclei in the zCOSMOS Survey
Merloni, A., Bongiorno, A., Bolzonella, M., et al, 2010, ApJ, 708, 137 -
The COSMOS-WIRCam Near-Infrared Imaging Survey. I. BzK-Selected Passive and Star-Forming Galaxy Candidates at z ≳ 1.4
McCracken, H. J., Capak, P., Salvato, M., et al, 2010, ApJ, 708, 202 -
The Density Field of the 10k zCOSMOS Galaxies
Kovač, K., Lilly, S. J., Cucciati, O., et al, 2010, ApJ, 708, 505 -
K+a galaxies in the zCOSMOS survey: Physical properties of systems in their post-starburst phase
Vergani, D., Zamorani, G., Lilly, S., et al, 2010, 509 -
The zCOSMOS redshift survey: how group environment alters global downsizing trends
Iovino, A., Cucciati, O., Scodeggio, M., et al, 2010, 509 -
The Bimodal Galaxy Stellar Mass Function in the COSMOS Survey to z ~ 1: A Steep Faint End and a New Galaxy Dichotomy
Drory, N., Bundy, K., Leauthaud, A., et al, 2009, ApJ, 707, 1595 -
The Optical Spectra of Spitzer 24 μm Galaxies in the Cosmic Evolution Survey Field. II. Faint Infrared Sources in the zCOSMOS-Bright 10k Catalog
Caputi, K. I., Lilly, S. J., Aussel, H., et al, 2009, ApJ, 707, 1387 -
The Distribution of Dark Matter Over Three Decades in Radius in the Lensing Cluster Abell 611
Newman, Andrew B., Treu, Tommaso, Ellis, Richard S., et al, 2009, ApJ, 706, 1078 -
The SINS Survey: SINFONI Integral Field Spectroscopy of z ~ 2 Star-forming Galaxies
Förster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Bouché, N., et al, 2009, ApJ, 706, 1364 -
The zCOSMOS survey: the role of the environment in the evolution of the luminosity function of different galaxy types
Zucca, E., Bardelli, S., Bolzonella, M., et al, 2009, 508, 1217 -
The Nature of Optically Dull Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS
Trump, Jonathan R., Impey, Chris D., Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, et al, 2009, ApJ, 706, 797 -
Massive Galaxies in COSMOS: Evolution of Black Hole Versus Bulge Mass but not Versus Total Stellar Mass Over the Last 9 Gyr?
Jahnke, Knud, Bongiorno, Angela, Brusa, Marcella, et al, 2009, ApJL, 706, L215 -
The Infrared Array Camera Dark Field: Far-Infrared to X-ray Data
Krick, J. E., Surace, J. A., Thompson, D., et al, 2009, 185, 85 -
The zCOSMOS 10k-Bright Spectroscopic Sample
Lilly, Simon J., Le Brun, Vincent, Maier, Christian, et al, 2009, 184, 218 -
Deep Spitzer 24 μm COSMOS Imaging. I. The Evolution of Luminous Dusty Galaxies—Confronting the Models
Le Floc'h, Emeric, Aussel, Herve, Ilbert, Olivier, et al, 2009, ApJ, 703, 222 -
No Evidence of Quasar-Mode Feedback in a Four-Way Group Merger at z ~ 0.84
Kocevski, Dale D., Lubin, Lori M., Lemaux, Brian C., et al, 2009, ApJL, 703, L33 -
Stellar and Total Baryon Mass Fractions in Groups and Clusters Since Redshift 1
Giodini, S., Pierini, D., Finoguenov, A., et al, 2009, ApJ, 703, 982 -
Large Scale Structure in Dark Matter and Galaxies
Scoville, Nick -
Designing future dark energy space missions. I. Building realistic galaxy spectro-photometric catalogs and their first applications
Jouvel, S., Kneib, J.-P., Ilbert, O., et al, 2009, 504, 359 -
The Chandra COSMOS Survey. I. Overview and Point Source Catalog
Elvis, Martin, Civano, Francesca, Vignali, Cristian, et al, 2009, 184, 158 -
Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys Morphology of Lyα Emitters at Redshift 5.7 in the COSMOS Field
Taniguchi, Y., Murayama, T., Scoville, N. Z., et al, 2009, ApJ, 701, 915 -
Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Activity in Galaxies at z ≃ 1.2 in the COSMOS Field
Ideue, Y., Nagao, T., Taniguchi, Y., et al, 2009, ApJ, 700, 971 -
Star Formation and Dust Obscuration at z ≈ 2: Galaxies at the Dawn of Downsizing
Pannella, M., Carilli, C. L., Daddi, E., et al, 2009, ApJL, 698, L116 -
Expanding the Search for Galaxies at z ~ 7-10 with New NICMOS Parallel Fields
Henry, Alaina L., Siana, Brian, Malkan, Matthew A., et al, 2009, ApJ, 697, 1128 -
The Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) Survey. I. The Survey Design and First Results on CL 0023+0423 at z = 0.84 and RX J1821.6+6827 at z = 0.82
Lubin, L. M., Gal, R. R., Lemaux, B. C., et al, 2009, 137, 4867 -
The COSMOS Active Galactic Nucleus Spectroscopic Survey. I. XMM-Newton Counterparts
Trump, Jonathan R., Impey, Chris D., Elvis, Martin, et al, 2009, ApJ, 696, 1195 -
Cosmic Evolution of Radio Selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the Cosmos Field
Smolčić, V., Zamorani, G., Schinnerer, E., et al, 2009, ApJ, 696, 24 -
Ongoing and Co-Evolving Star Formation in zCOSMOS Galaxies Hosting Active Galactic Nuclei
Silverman, J. D., Lamareille, F., Maier, C., et al, 2009, ApJ, 696, 396 -
Photometric Properties of Lyα Emitters at z ≈ 4.86 in the COSMOS 2 Square Degree Field
Shioya, Y., Taniguchi, Y., Sasaki, S. S., et al, 2009, ApJ, 696, 546 -
CARS: the CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey. II. Weighing dark matter halos of Lyman-break galaxies at z = 3–5
Hildebrandt, H., Pielorz, J., Erben, T., et al, 2009, 498, 725 -
Discovery of the Most Distant Double-Peaked Emitter at z = 1.369
Luo, B., Brandt, W. N., Silverman, J. D., et al, 2009, ApJ, 695, 1227 -
The Environments of Active Galactic Nuclei within the zCOSMOS Density Field
Silverman, J. D., Kovač, K., Knobel, C., et al, 2009, ApJ, 695, 171 -
The Dependence of Star Formation Activity on Stellar Mass Surface Density and Sersic Index in zCOSMOS Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 0.9 Compared with SDSS Galaxies at 0.04 < z < 0.08
Maier, C., Lilly, S. J., Zamorani, G., et al, 2009, ApJ, 694, 1099 -
Chasing highly obscured QSOs in the COSMOS field
Fiore, F., Puccetti, S., Brusa, M., et al, 2009, ApJ, 693, 447 -
High-redshift quasars in the cosmos survey: the space density of z > 3 x-ray selected QSOs
Brusa, M., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., et al, 2009, ApJ, 693, 8 -
AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field - II. Source count overdensity and correlations with large-scale structure
Austermann, J. E., Aretxaga, I., Hughes, D. H., et al, 2009, MNRAS, 393, 1573 -
High-Resolution Infrared Imaging of the Compact Nuclear Source in NGC 4258
Chary, R., Becklin, E. E., Evans, A. S., et al, 2000, ApJ, 531, 756 -
Constraints on Quenching of Z ≲ 2 Massive Galaxies from the Evolution of the Average Sizes of Star-forming and Quenched Populations in COSMOS
Faisst, A. L., Carollo, C. M., Capak, P. L., et al, 2017, ApJ, 839, 71 -
Dust Properties of C II Detected z ∼ 5.5 Galaxies: New HST/WFC3 Near-IR Observations
Barisic, Ivana, Faisst, A. L., Capak, P. L., et al, 2017, ApJ, 845, 41 -
An Alternate Approach to Measure Specific Star Formation Rates at 2 < z < 7
Davidzon, Iary, Ilbert, Olivier, Faisst, Andreas L., et al, 2018, ApJ, 852, 107 -
Empirical Modeling of the Redshift Evolution of the [N II]/Hα Ratio for Galaxy Redshift Surveys
Faisst, Andreas L., Masters, Daniel, Wang, Yun, et al, 2018, ApJ, 855, 132 -
SPLASH-SXDF Multi-wavelength Photometric Catalog
Mehta, Vihang, Scarlata, Claudia, Capak, Peter, et al, 2018, 235, 36 -
CO Luminosity Density at High-z (COLDz) Survey: A Sensitive, Large-area Blind Search for Low-J CO Emission from Cold Gas in the Early Universe with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array
Pavesi, Riccardo, Sharon, Chelsea E., Riechers, Dominik A., et al, 2018, ApJ, 864, 49 -
"Super-deblended" Dust Emission in Galaxies. II. Far-IR to (Sub)millimeter Photometry and High-redshift Galaxy Candidates in the Full COSMOS Field
Jin, Shuowen, Daddi, Emanuele, Liu, Daizhong, et al, 2018, ApJ, 864, 56 -
A z = 1.82 Analog of Local Ultra-massive Elliptical Galaxies
Onodera, M., Daddi, E., Gobat, R., et al, 2010, ApJL, 715, L6 -
The Quasar-LBG Two-point Angular Cross-correlation Function at z~4 in the COSMOS Field
Ikeda, H., Nagao, T., Taniguchi, Y., et al, 2015, ApJ, 809, 138 -
New insights from deep VLA data on the potentially recoiling black hole CID-42 in the COSMOS field
Novak, Mladen, Smolčić, Vernesa, Civano, Francesca, et al, 2015, MNRAS, 447, 1282 -
HI and H2 in Luminous Interacting Galaxies
Scoville, N., Hibbard, J. E., Yun, M. S., et al -
Planck 2015 results. VIII. High Frequency Instrument data processing: Calibration and maps
Adam, R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A8 -
Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters
Ade, P. A. R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A13 -
Planck 2015 results. XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields
Ade, P. A. R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A19 -
Planck 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity
Ade, P. A. R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A17 -
Planck 2015 results. XX. Constraints on inflation
Ade, P. A. R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A20 -
Planck 2015 results. XXV. Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds
Ade, P. A. R., Bock, J. J., Crill, B. P., et al, 2016, 594, A25 -
Planck 2015 results. XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources
Ade, P. A. R., Beichman, C., Bock, J. J., et al, 2016, 594, A26 -
Planck 2015 results. XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps
Ade, P. A. R., Crill, B. P., Doré, O., et al, 2016, 594, 28 -
High-Redshift Protoclusters Traced by Submillimeter Galaxies: Tracing Star Formation Activity out to z > 4
Menéndez-Delmestre, Karín, Capak, Peter, Sheth, Kartik -
Tracing the cosmic growth of supermassive black holes to z ∼ 3 with Herschel
Delvecchio, I., Bock, J., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 2736 -
Molecular Gas in a Submillimeter Galaxy at z = 4.5: Evidence for a Major Merger at 1 Billion Years after the Big Bang
Schinnerer, E., Carilli, C. L., Capak, P., et al, 2008, ApJL, 689, L5 -
Seeing in the dark – II. Cosmic shear in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Huff, Eric M., Eifler, Tim, Hirata, Christopher M., et al, 2014, MNRAS, 440, 1322 -
Subaru Deep Imaging of Interacting Galaxies
Koda, Jin -
Design of the Spitzer Space Telescope Heritage Archive
Levine, Deborah, Wu, X., Good, J., et al -
The bright end of the galaxy luminosity function at z =7: before the onset of mass quenching?
Bowler, R. A. A., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., et al, 2014, MNRAS, 440, 2810 -
Science Impacts of the SPHEREx All-Sky Optical to Near-Infrared Spectral Survey: Report of a Community Workshop Examining Extragalactic, Galactic, Stellar and Planetary Science
Doré, Olivier, Capak, P., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, et al -
An Empirical Approach to Cosmological Galaxy Survey Simulation: Application to SPHEREx Low-Resolution Spectroscopy
Stickley, Nathaniel R., Capak, Peter, Masters, Daniel, et al -
Larger sizes of massive quiescent early-type galaxies in clusters than in the field at 0.8 < z < 1.5
Delaye, L., Huertas-Company, M., Mei, S., et al, 2014, MNRAS, 441, 203 -
Discovering extremely compact and metal-poor, star-forming dwarf galaxies out to z ∼ 0.9 in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey
Amorín, R., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2014, 568, L8 -
A Radio View of the Sky: the Cosmic History of Star-Forming and AGN Galaxies
Smolčić, V., Zamorani, G., Schinnerer, E. -
z≳ 7 galaxies with red Spitzer/IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] colors in the full CANDELS data set: The brightest-known galaxies at z~ 7-9 and a probable spectroscopic confirmation at z = 7.48
Roberts-Borsani, G. W., Bouwens, R. J., Oesch, P. A., et al, 2016, ApJ, 823, 143 -
Star Formation at 4 < z < 6 from the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH)
Steinhardt, Charles L., Speagle, Josh S., Capak, Peter, et al, 2014, ApJL, 791, L25 -
The close environment of 24 μm galaxies at 0.6 < z < 1.0 in the cosmos field
Caputi, K. I., Kovač, K., Bolzonella, M., et al, 2009, ApJ, 691, 91 -
The VLA-COSMOS Survey - V. 324 MHz continuum observations
Smolčić, Vernesa, Ciliegi, Paolo, Jelić, Vibor, et al, 2014, MNRAS, 443, 2590 -
Discovery of a rich proto-cluster at z = 2.9 and associated diffuse cold gas in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS)
Cucciati, O., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2014, 570, A16 -
Imaging of NGC 5907's stellar stream
Laine, Seppo, Grillmair, Carl J., Martínez-Delgado, David, et al -
The XMM-Newton wide-field survey in the COSMOS field - The point-like X-ray source catalogue
Cappelluti, N., Brusa, M., Hasinger, G., et al, 2009, 497, 635 -
A robust morphological classification of high-redshift galaxies using support vector machines on seeing limited images
Huertas-Company, M., Tasca, L., Rouan, D., et al, 2009, 497, 743 -
ISM masses and the star formation law at Z = 1 to 6: ALMA observations of dust continuum in 145 galaxies in the COSMOS survey field
Scoville, N., Sheth, K., Aussel, H., et al, 2016, ApJ, 820, 83 -
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Lyα emission and stellar populations of star-forming galaxies at 2 < z < 2.5
Hathi, N. P., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2016, 588, A26 -
The Chandra COSMOS Legacy survey: overview and point source catalog
Civano, F., Capak, P., Scoville, N. Z., et al, 2016, ApJ, 819, 62 -
The galaxy UV luminosity function at z≃ 2–4; new results on faint-end slope and the evolution of luminosity density
Parsa, Shaghayegh, Dunlop, James S., McLure, Ross J., et al, 2016, MNRAS, 456, 3194 -
The star-formation history of the Universe with the SKA
Jarvis, Matt J., Seymour, Nick, Afonso, Jose, et al -
The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS): fast increase in the fraction of strong Lyman-α emitters from z = 2 to z = 6
Cassata, P., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 573, A24 -
The Dark Matter Halos of Moderate Luminosity X-ray AGN as Determined fromWeak Gravitational Lensing and Host Stellar Masses
Leauthaud, Alexie, Benson, Andrew J., Civano, Francesca, et al, 2015, MNRAS, 446, 1874 -
Star formation and dust obscuration at z ≈ 2
Pannella, M., Carilli, C. L., Daddi, E., et al -
Galaxy Zoo: Are bars responsible for the feeding of active galactic nuclei at 0.2 < z < 1.0?
Cheung, Edmond, Trump, Jonathan R., Athanassoula, E., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 447, 506 -
The SPLASH Survey: Quiescent Galaxies Are More Strongly Clustered but Are Not Necessarily Located in High-density Environments
Lin, Lihwai, Capak, P. L., Laigle, C., et al, 2016, ApJ, 817, 97 -
The CHANDRA COSMOS Legacy Survey: Optical / IR Identifications
Marchesi, S., Civano, F., Elvis, M., et al, 2016, ApJ, 817, 34 -
The Lyman continuum escape fraction of galaxies at z = 3.3 in the VUDS-LBC/COSMOS field
Grazian, A., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 585, A48 -
(Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies. II. The spatial extent of the radio-emitting regions
Miettinen, O., Novak, M., Smolčić, V., et al, 2015, 584, A32 -
Wide-Field InfrarRed Survey Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets WFIRST-AFTA 2015 Report
Spergel, D., Gehrels, N., Baltay, C., et al -
ALMA constraints on the faint millimetre source number counts and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background
Carniani, S., Maiolino, R., De Zotti, G., et al, 2015, 584, A78 -
The Subaru COSMOS 20: Subaru optical imaging of the HST COSMOS field with 20 filters
Taniguchi, Yoshiaki, Capak, Peter L., Scoville, Nick Z., 2015, 67, 104 -
The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: ∼10 000 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to study galaxy assembly at early epochs 2 < z ≃ 6
Le Fèvre, O., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 576, A79 -
Stellar mass to halo mass relation from galaxy clustering in VUDS: a high star formation efficiency at z ≃ 3
Durkalec, A., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 576, L7 -
Physical properties of z > 4 submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field
Smolčić, V., Capak, P., Bourke, S., et al, 2015, 576, A127 -
Spitzer bright, UltraVISTA faint sources in COSMOS: the contribution to the overall population of massive galaxies at z = 3-7
Caputi, K. I., Ilbert, O., Laigle, C., et al, 2015, ApJ, 810, 73 -
(Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies. I. Multiwavelength identifications and redshift distribution
Miettinen, O., Smolčić, V., Novak, M., et al, 2015, 577, A29 -
Mapping the average AGN accretion rate in the SFR–M_∗ plane for Herschel-selected galaxies at 0 < z ≤ 2.5
Delvecchio, I., Lutz, D., Berta, S., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 449, 373 -
The galaxy-halo connection from a joint lensing, clustering and abundance analysis in the CFHTLenS/VIPERS field
Coupon, J., Arnouts, S., van Waerbeke, L., et al, 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1352 -
The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1.6. III. Survey Design, Performance, and Sample Characteristics
Silverman, J. D., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 220, 12 -
The evolving star formation rate: M⋆ relation and sSFR since z ≃ 5 from the VUDS spectroscopic survey
Tasca, L. A. M., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2015, 581, A54 -
Rest-frame Optical Emission Lines in Far-infrared-selected Galaxies at z < 1.7 from the FMOS-COSMOS Survey
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., Sanders, D. B., Silverman, J. D., et al, 2015, ApJL, 806, L35 -
Galaxies at redshifts 5 to 6 with systematically low dust content and high [C II] emission
Capak, P. L., Carilli, C., Jones, G., et al, 2015, Nature, 522, 455 -
A Massive, Distant Proto-Cluster at z = 2.47 Caught in a Phase of Rapid Formation
Casey, C. M., Cooray, A., Capak, P., et al, 2015, ApJL, 808, L33 -
Herschel Survey of the Palomar-Green QSOs at Low Redshift
Petric, Andreea O., Ho, Luis C., Flagey, Nicolas J. M., et al, 2015, 219, 22 -
Encoding of the infrared excess in the NUVrK color diagram
for star-forming galaxies
Arnouts, S., Le Floc'h, E., Chevallard, J., et al, 2013, 558, A67 -
The Spitzer Source List
Teplitz, Harry I., Capak, Peter, Brooke, Timothy, et al -
Characterization of SCUBA-2 450μm and 850μm selected galaxies in the COSMOS field
Casey, Caitlin M., Chen, Chian-Chou, Cowie, Lennox L., et al, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1919 -
Properties and environment of radio-emitting galaxies in the VLA-zCOSMOS survey
Bardelli, S., Schinnerer, E., Smolčić, V., et al, 2010, 511, A1 -
Astronomical Image Simulation for Telescope and Survey Development
Dobke, Benjamin M., Johnston, David E., Massey, Richard, et al, 2010, 122, 947 -
Spitzer 70 and 160 μm Observations of the COSMOS Field
Frayer, D. T., Sanders, D. B., Surace, J. A., et al, 2009, 138, 1261 -
Mid-infrared Photometric Analysis of Main Belt Asteroids: A Technique for Color-Color Differentiation from Background Astrophysical Sources
Bhattacharya, B., Noriega-Crespo, A., Penprase, B. E., et al, 2010, ApJ, 720, 114 -
Obscured Star Formation and Environment in the COSMOS Field
Feruglio, C., Aussel, H., Le Floc'h, E., et al, 2010, ApJ, 721, 607 -
zCOSMOS – 10k-bright spectroscopic sample : The bimodality in the galaxy stellar mass function: exploring
its evolution with redshift
Pozzetti, L., Scarlata, C., Scoville, N., 2010, 523, A13 -
PHAT: PHoto-z Accuracy Testing
Hildebrandt, H., Capak, P., 2010, 523, A31 -
Hawaii quasar and T dwarf survey. I. Method and discovery of faint field ultracool dwarfs
Kakazu, Yuko, Hu, Esther M., Liu, Michael C., et al, 2010, ApJ, 723, 184 -
The [O III] emission line luminosity function of optically selected type-2 AGN from zCOSMOS
Bongiorno, A., Mignoli, M., Zamorani, G., et al, 2010, 510, A56 -
The zCOSMOS 10k-sample: the role of galaxy stellar mass in the colour-density relation up to z ~ 1
Cucciati, O., Scoville, N., 2010, 524, A2 -
The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S^4G)
Sheth, Kartik, Mizusawa, Trisha, Armus, Lee, et al, 2010, 122, 1397 -
An atlas of z = 5.7 and z = 6.5 Lyα emitters
Hu, E. M., Cowie, L. L., Barger, A. J., et al, 2010, ApJ, 725, 394 -
Science Validation of the Spitzer Source List
Teplitz, H. I., Capak, P., Brooke, T., et al -
The bulk of the black hole growth since z ~ 1 occurs in a secular universe: no major merger-AGN connection
Cisternas, Mauricio, Jahnke, Knud, Inskip, Katherine J., et al, 2011, ApJ, 726, 57 -
Interpreting the Evolution of the Size-Luminosity Relation for Disk Galaxies from Redshift 1 to the Present
Brooks, A. M., Solomon, A. R., Governato, F., et al, 2011, ApJ, 728, 51 -
A massive protocluster of galaxies at a redshift of z ≈ 5.3
Capak, Peter L., Riechers, Dominik, Scoville, Nick Z., et al, 2011, Nature, 470, 233 -
The Space Density Evolution of Wet and Dry Mergers in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey
Chou, Richard C. Y., Bridge, Carrie R., Abraham, Roberto G., 2011, 141, 87 -
Identification of a Complete 160 μm Flux-limited Sample of Infrared Galaxies in the ISO Lockman Hole 1 deg^2 Deep Fields: Source Properties and Evidence for Strong Evolution in the FIR Luminosity Function for ULIRGs
Jacobs, B. A., Sanders, D. B., Rupke, D. S. N., et al, 2011, 141, 110 -
SpecPro: An Interactive IDL Program for Viewing and Analyzing Astronomical Spectra
Masters, D., Capak, P., 2011, 123, 638 -
On the evolution of environmental and mass properties of strong lens galaxies in COSMOS
Faure, C., Anguita, T., Alloin, D., et al, 2011, 529, A72 -
The galaxy stellar mass function of X-ray detected groups.
Environmental dependence of galaxy evolution in the COSMOS survey
Giodini, S., Finoguenov, A., Pierini, D., et al, 2012, 538, A104 -
Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE – II. Redshift distribution and nature of the submillimetre galaxy population
Yun, Min S., Scott, K. S., Guo, Yicheng, et al, 2012, MNRAS, 420, 957 -
UltraVISTA: a new ultra-deep near-infrared survey in COSMOS
McCracken, H. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Dunlop, J., et al, 2012, 544, A156 -
Magnification by Galaxy Group Dark Matter Halos
Ford, Jes, Hildebrandt, Hendrik, Van Waerbeke, Ludovic, et al, 2012, ApJ, 754, 143 -
The dominant role of mergers in the size evolution of massive
early-type galaxies since z ∼ 1
López-Sanjuan, C., Bridge, C., Xu, C. K., et al, 2012, 548, A7 -
Millimeter imaging of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: redshift distribution
Smolčić, V., Aravena, M., Navarrete, F., et al, 2012, 548, A4 -
The Space Density Evolution of Wet and Dry Mergers in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey
Chou, Richard C. Y., Bridge, Carrie R., Abraham, Roberto G. -
The Role of Galaxy Interaction in Environmental Dependence of Star Formation Activity at z ∼ 1.2
Ideue, Y., Taniguchi, Y. -
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: 10 000 Galaxies to Study
the Early Phases of Galaxy Assembly at 2 < z < 6+
Le Fèvre, Olivier, Capak, Peter, Scoville, Nick, 2014, 155, 37 -
The Dominant Role of Mergers in the Size Evolution of Massive Galaxies since z∼1
López-Sanjuan, Carlos, Le Fèvre, Olivier, Ilbert, Olivier, et al -
Sky Surveys
Djorgovski, S. George, Mahabal, Ashish, Drake, Andrew, et al -
CLASH: Photometric redshifts with 16 HST bands in galaxy cluster fields
Jouvel, S., Zitrin, A., 2014, 562, A86 -
Radio Continuum Surveys with Square Kilometre Array Pathfinders
Norris, Ray P., Raccanelli, A., 2013, 30, e020 -
Keck-I MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of the z ~ 12 Candidate Galaxy UDFj-39546284
Capak, P., Faisst, A., Vieira, J. D., et al, 2013, ApJL, 773, L14 -
Evolution of star formation and gas
Scoville, Nick -
ALMA Reveals Weak [N II] Emission in "Typical" Galaxies and Intense Starbursts at z = 5–6
Pavesi, Riccardo, Riechers, Dominik A., Capak, Peter L., et al, 2016, ApJ, 832, 151 -
Properties of the molecular gas in a starbursting QSO at z = 1.83 in the COSMOS field
Aravena, M., Bertoldi, F., Schinnerer, E., et al, 2008, 491, 173 -
Gas Fraction and depletion time of massive star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 3.2: No change in global star formation process out to z > 3
Schinnerer, E., Groves, B., Sargent, M. T., et al, 2016, ApJ, 833, 112 -
Characterizing the evolving K-band luminosity function using the UltraVISTA, CANDELS and HUDF surveys
Mortlock, Alice, McLure, Ross J., Bowler, Rebecca A. A., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 465, 672 -
VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS): IGM transmission towards galaxies with 2.5 < z < 5.5 and the colour selection of high-redshift galaxies
Thomas, R., Capak, P., Scoville, N., 2017, 597, A88 -
Optical selection of faint active galactic nuclei in the COSMOS field
Casey, C. M., Impey, C. D., Trump, J. R., et al, 2008, 177, 131 -
(Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies. IV. Physical properties derived from spectral energy distributions
Miettinen, O., Delvecchio, I., Smolčić, V., et al, 2017, 597, A5 -
(Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies. III. Environments
Smolčić, V., Miettinen, O., Tomičić, N., et al, 2017, 597, A4 -
Spectroscopic surveys of cosmic evolution
Scoville, Nick, 2008, 313, 287 -
Dense Molecular Gas Tracers in the Outflow of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253
Walter, Fabian, Bolatto, Alberto D., Leroy, Adam K., et al, 2017, ApJ, 835, 265 -
The nature of the Lyman α emitter CR7: a persisting puzzle
Pacucci, Fabio, Pallottini, Andrea, Ferrara, Andrea, et al, 2017, 468, L77 -
The Cosmic Evolution Survey - COSMOS
Scoville, Nick -
Cosmic Web of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field: Public Catalog and Different Quenching for Centrals and Satellites
Darvish, Behnam, Mobasher, Bahram, Martin, D. Christopher, et al, 2017, ApJ, 837, 16 -
Evolution of Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, and Accretion at High Redshift
Scoville, N., Lee, N., Vanden Bout, P., et al, 2017, ApJ, 837, 150 -
Obscured active galactic nuclei triggered in compact star-forming galaxies
Chang, Yu-Yen, Le Floc'h, Emeric, Juneau, Stéphanie, et al, 2017, 466, L103 -
Unveiling the nature of bright z ≃ 7 galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
Bowler, R. A. A., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 466, 3612 -
No evidence for Population III stars or a direct collapse black hole in the z = 6.6 Lyman α emitter 'CR7'
Bowler, R. A. A., McLure, R. J., Dunlop, J. S., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 469, 448 -
The Redshift Evolution of Bulges and Disks of Spiral Galaxies in COSMOS
Sheth, Kartik, Spalsbury, Lori, Scoville, Nick -
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: The infrared-radio correlation of star-forming galaxies and AGN to z ≲ 6
Delhaize, J., Capak, P., 2017, 602, A4 -
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Multiwavelength counterparts and the composition of the faint radio population
Smolčić, V., Delvecchio, I., Zamorani, G., et al, 2017, 602, A2 -
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Cosmic star formation history since z ~ 5
Novak, M., Smolčić, V., Delhaize, J., et al, 2017, 602, A5 -
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Continuum data and source catalog release
Smolčić, V., Mooley, K. P., Bourke, S, et al, 2017, 602, A1 -
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z ≲ 6
Delvecchio, I., Mooley, K. P., Capak, P., 2017, 602, A3 -
An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: The extent of the radio-emitting region revealed by 3 GHz imaging with the Very Large Array
Miettinen, O., Capak, P. L., 2017, 602, A54 -
Type 2 AGN Host Galaxies in the Chandra-COSMOS Legacy Survey: No Evidence of AGN-driven Quenching
Suh, Hyewon, Civano, Francesca, Hasinger, Günther, et al, 2017, ApJ, 841, 102 -
The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Survey Overview and Data Release 1
Masters, Daniel C., Stern, Daniel K., Cohen, Judith G., et al, 2017, ApJ, 841, 111 -
The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the nature of bright submm galaxies from 2 deg² of 850-μm imaging
Michałowski, Michał J., Dunlop, J. S., Koprowski, M. P., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 469, 492 -
The rest-frame optical (900nm) galaxy luminosity function at z ~ 4-7: abundance matching points to limited evolution in the M_(STAR)/M_(HALO) ratio at z ⩾ 4
Stefanon, Mauro, Bouwens, Rychard J., Labbé, Ivo, et al, 2017, ApJ, 843, 36 -
A Potential Galaxy Threshing System in the COSMOS Field
Sasaki, S. S., Taniguchi, Y., Scoville, N., et al, 2007, 172, 511 -
The COSMOS2015 galaxy stellar mass function: Thirteen billion years of stellar mass assembly in ten snapshots
Davidzon, I., Ilbert, O., Laigle, C., et al, 2017, 605, A70 -
G10/COSMOS: 38 band (far-UV to far-IR) panchromatic photometry using LAMBDAR
Andrews, S. K., Driver, S. P., Davies, L. J. M., et al, 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1569 -
An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the COSMOS field: Physical properties derived from energy balance spectral energy distribution modelling
Miettinen, O., Capak, P. L., 2017, 606, A17 -
The Science Case for an Extended Spitzer Mission
Yee, Jennifer C., Ciardi, David R., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, et al -
The faint radio sky: VLBA observations of the COSMOS field
Herrera Ruiz, N., Middelberg, E., Deller, A., et al, 2017, 607, A132 -
Scientific Synergy between LSST and Euclid
Rhodes, Jason, Capak, Peter, Helou, George, et al, 2017, 233, 21 -
An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field: Multiwavelength counterparts and redshift distribution
Brisbin, Drew, Capak, Peter, 2017, 608, A15 -
Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z ∼ 4–6 via Tilted Ring Fitting to ALMA [C II] Observations
Jones, G. C., Carilli, C. L., Shao, Y., et al, 2017, ApJ, 850, 180 -
HST Imaging of the Brightest z ~ 8–9 Galaxies from UltraVISTA: The Extreme Bright End of the UV Luminosity Function
Stefanon, Mauro, Labbé, Ivo, Bouwens, Rychard J., et al, 2017, ApJ, 851, 43 -
The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and survey design
Aihara, Hiroaki, Capak, P., 2018, 70, S4 -
The stellar mass, star formation rate and dark matter halo properties of LAEs at z ∼ 2
Kusakabe, Haruka, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro, Ouchi, Masami, et al, 2018, 70, 4 -
Global Properties of M31's Stellar Halo from the SPLASH Survey. III. Measuring the Stellar Velocity Dispersion Profile
Gilbert, Karoline M., Tollerud, Erik J., Beaton, Rachael L., et al, 2018, ApJ, 852, 128 -
An unusually brilliant transient in the galaxy M85
Kulkarni, S. R., Ofek, E. O., Rau, A., et al, 2007, Nature, 447, 458 -
Dark matter maps reveal cosmic scaffolding
Massey, Richard, Rhodes, Jason, Ellis, Richard S., et al, 2007, Nature, 445, 286 -
A New Approach to Tagging Data in the Astronomical Literature
Alexov, Anastasia, Good, John C. -
Molecular outflow and feedback in the obscured quasar XID2028 revealed by ALMA
Brusa, M., Scoville, N. Z., 2018, 612, A29 -
Starburst to Quiescent from HST/ALMA: Stars and Dust Unveil Minor Mergers in Submillimeter Galaxies at z ~ 4.5
Gómez-Guijarro, C., Capak, P. L., 2018, ApJ, 856, 121 -
WFIRST Science Investigation Team "Cosmology with the High Latitude Survey" Annual Report 2017
Doré, Olivier, Hirata, Christopher, Wang, Yun, et al -
The DEIMOS 10K Spectroscopic Survey Catalog of the COSMOS Field
Hasinger, G., Capak, P., Salvato, M., et al, 2018, ApJ, 858, 77 -
Science Impacts of the SPHEREx All-Sky Optical to Near-Infrared Spectral Survey II: Report of a Community Workshop on the Scientific Synergies Between the SPHEREx Survey and Other Astronomy Observatories
Doré, Olivier, Capak, P., de la Torre, Sylvain, et al -
The Science Advantage of a Redder Filter for WFIRST
Stauffer, John, Helou, George, Benjamin, Robert A., et al -
SILVERRUSH. V. Census of Lyα, [O III] λ5007, Hα, and [C II] 158 μm Line Emission with ~1000 LAEs at z = 4.9–7.0 Revealed with Subaru/HSC
Harikane, Yuichi, Capak, Peter L., Faisst, Andreas L., et al, 2018, ApJ, 859, 84 -
Similar Scaling Relations for the Gas Content of Galaxies Across Environments to z ~ 3.5
Darvish, Behnam, Scoville, Nick Z., Martin, Christopher, et al, 2018, ApJ, 860, 111 -
Molecular gas in AzTEC/C159: a star-forming disk galaxy 1.3 Gyr after the Big Bang
Jiménez-Andrade, E. F., Capak, P. L., 2018, 615, A25 -
The environment and host haloes of the brightest z ~ 6 Lyman-break galaxies
Hatfield, P. W., Bowler, R. A. A., Jarvis, M. J., et al, 2018, MNRAS, 477, 3760 -
Hidden in Plain Sight: A Massive, Dusty Starburst in a Galaxy Protocluster at z = 5.7 in the COSMOS Field
Pavesi, Riccardo, Riechers, Dominik A., Sharon, Chelsea E., et al, 2018, ApJ, 861, 43 -
VLBA+GBT observations of the COSMOS field and radio source counts at 1.4 GHz
Herrera Ruiz, N., Middelberg, E., Deller, A., et al, 2018, 616, A128 -
Radio and Millimeter Observations of the COSMOS Field
Schinnerer, E., Bertoldi, F., Carilli, C. L., et al -
Tracing the Evolution of Disk Galaxies with Galactic Structures and Gas Kinematics
Sheth, Kartik -
COLDz: Shape of the CO Luminosity Function at High Redshift and the Cold Gas History of the Universe
Riechers, Dominik A., Pavesi, Riccardo, Sharon, Chelsea E., et al, 2019, ApJ, 872, 7 -
Chandra centres for COSMOS X-ray galaxy groups: differences in stellar properties between central dominant and offset brightest group galaxies
Gozaliasl, Ghassem, Capak, Peter, Scoville, Nick Z., 2019, MNRAS, 483, 3545 -
Environmental Effect on the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies across the Cosmic Web at z = 0.73
Betti, S. K., Pope, Alexandra, Scoville, N., et al, 2019, ApJ, 874, 53 -
The dominant origin of diffuse Lyα halos around Lyα emitters explored by spectral energy distribution fitting and clustering analysis
Kusakabe, Haruka, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro, Momose, Rieko, et al, 2019, 71, 55 -
Stellar Mass Growth of Brightest Cluster Galaxy Progenitors in COSMOS Since z ∼ 3
Cooke, Kevin C., Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., Tyler, K. D., et al, 2019, ApJ, 881, 150 -
Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field (A³COSMOS). I. Robust ALMA Continuum Photometry Catalogs and Stellar Mass and Star Formation Properties for ∼700 Galaxies at z = 0.5–6
Liu, Daizhong, Lang, P., Magnelli, B., et al, 2019, 244, 40 -
Molecular gas in luminous galactic nuclei
Scoville, N. Z., Baker, A. J. -
Spot the difference - Impact of different selection criteria on observed properties of passive galaxies in zCOSMOS-20k sample
Moresco, M., Scoville, N., 2013, 558, A61 -
Ultraluminous infrared galaxies and the origin of quasars
Sanders, D. B., Soifer, B. T., Elias, J. H., et al, 1988, ApJ, 325, 74