August 30, 2019 • Data and observation announcements
COSMOS X-ray galaxy groups catalog release
Galaxy groups and clusters are important systems for cosmology and galaxy evolution. The COSMOS survey has offered a unique data set to study the evolution of galaxy groups and clusters as well as their constituent galaxies.
In the latest contribution to this project, Dr. Gozaliasl and his collaborators provide a catalog of X-ray selected groups and clusters based on XMM and deep Chandra observations which offer an unprecedented spatial resolution in X-ray.
June 30, 2019 • Data and observation announcements
Looking deep with the Hyper Suprime-Cam
March 29, 2018 • Data and observation announcements
Our 10K DEIMOS spectroscopic catalog is out!
The DEIMOS 10K spectroscopic catalog contains 10718 object out to z = 6 in the COSMOS field observed through multi-slit spectroscopy with the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck II telescope. The objects have been selected from a variety of input catalogs based on multi-wavelength observations in the field, and thus have a diverse selection function, which enables the study of the diversity in the galaxy population.
For more information, check out the data release paper.
The redshift catalog is public and can be downloaded here.
October 6, 2017 • Data and observation announcements
70h on ALMA to study the inter-stellar medium of young galaxies with ALPINE
Galaxies in the early Universe (< 2 billion years after the Big Bang or <10% of the current age of the Universe) experience a rapid growth in stellar mass. This goes along with a rapid evolution of their inter-stellar medium properties and physical structure. The mechanisms and physics that lead to this short early growth phase are mostly unknown. We got 70h on the Atacama Large (Sub-) Millimeter Array (ALMA) to study the gas and dust properties of young galaxies during the early growth phase to address these questions.
May 26, 2017 • Data and observation announcements
DEVILS (the Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey), a spectroscopic campaign aimed at bridging the near and distant Universe by undertaking the highest completeness survey, got approved and will start taking spectra right now. The survey aims for about 58k galaxies at 0.3 < z < 1.0 with r < 22 and Y < 21.2 over 6 square-degrees including COSMOS and SXDS. The spectra are taken with the AAOmega and 2dF spectrographs on the Australian Astronomical Telescope.
DEVILS will allow a detailed study of the evolution of galaxies and structure, and the dark matter baryon interface on <Mpc scales.
March 8, 2017 • Data and observation announcements
Density field, Cosmic Web environment, and galaxy type measurements
Local density field, cosmic web environment, and galaxy type measurements for COSMOS galaxies are now available for download.
July 1, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
Going deep with UltraVISTA
Our proposal "Completing the legacy of UltraVISTA" on COSMOS has been accepted. In the next 3 years, the VISTA telescope will image the COSMOS field (1.5 on 1.5 degrees) to its final depth in J, H, and Ks. It will finally reach equal depth across the whole field in these filters. In three years time, we will be able to reach 26, 25.7, and 25.3 AB magnitudes (5-sigma) in J, H, and Ks, respectively. This will double the area on COSMOS at this depth and will be an important step for better measurements and the identification of high redshift galaxies.
April 12, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
The COSMOS2015 catalog is now public!
The COSMOS2015 catalogue combines the >30 band photometry and SED fits (photometric redshifts, stellar masses, SFRs, etc) of half a million sources up to z=6 spread over the 2 square-degrees of COSMOS. In particular, it uses the new UltraVISTA images, as well as the Spitzer SPLASH photometry! The paper by Laigle et al. (2016) explaining the catalog can be found on the arXiv now: The catalog can be downloaded via anonymous FTP.
April 6, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
VUDS first Public Data Release paper available
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS) is a deep spectroscopic survey targeting 10,000 galaxies in the redshift range 2
March 24, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
UltraVISTA DR3 imaging on COSMOS is public
UltraVISTA is an Ultra Deep, near-infrared survey with ESO's VISTA surveys telescope. Over the course of 5 years, UltraVISTA is imaging the COSMOS field in 5 bands (Y, J, H, Ks, NB118) and therefore represents a key survey on COSMOS. The 3rd data release (DR3) is now public and can be downloaded on the ESO archive web-page.
March 22, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
Final Data Release of zCOSMOS-bright Redshift Survey
zCOSMOS (PI Simon Lilly, ESO Large Programme 175.A-0839) is a large redshift survey undertaken in the COSMOS field using the VIMOS spectrograph. About 600 hours were awarded to this Large Programme, which was executed between 2005 and 2010. This new release completes the zCOSMOS-bright survey and includes 20689 wavelength calibrated 1-d spectra and associated 5×5 arcsecond image cut-outs for each target.
March 22, 2016 • Data and observation announcements
JCMT dedicates over 500 hours to deep submillimeter mapping in COSMOS
The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, now owned and operated by the East Asian Core Observatories Association (EACOA) has recently announced its large legacy programs it will embark on between the end of 2015 to January of 2019, dedicating half of the observatory's time and resources through several collaborative large projects. Two of these projects focus on observations of the COSMOS field.
December 3, 2015 • Data and observation announcements
14 nights at Keck to systematically measure the galaxy color-redshift relation
Members of the COSMOS team were recently awarded Keck time (10 nights through NASA and 4 nights through Caltech) to begin a program designed to systematically measure the galaxy color-redshift relation, in preparation for the upcoming dark energy missions WFIRST and Euclid.